Boundaries & Borders:
An Anthology by Women of Color
Includes “Cracked” by E. Dolores Johnson, 3/24
Amazon.com: Boundaries & Borders: A Literary Exploration of Global Voices
Hippocampus, Finishing Proud June, 2020
The author describes her book journey from idea to launch.
The Buffalo News, June 18, 2017
50 years after landmark court ruling, interracialism is becoming normalized, but work remains.
My white mother and black father ran from Indiana laws to legally marry in New York, 24 years before the Supreme Court made it a federal right.
Pangyrus, February 24, 2018
The What Are You question we ambiguous-looking people get can lead to disbelief, confusion and sometimes unexpected privileges from whites or vitriol from blacks.
Narratively, October 30, 2017
Reprinted by VOX
The US Census had no box for mixed race people like me to honorably check both my black and white heritages for 200 years. That racist perspective was compounded when an ancient Aunt revealed the plantation rape of my black great-grandmother, hidden in Census records by showing a black father.
Lunch Ticket, Winter/Spring’18 Issue, Flash Prose
Where was there for a colored man new to Indianapolis to find a suitable girl in 1942?
Acts of Revision, February 16, 2018
The personal essay is a short writing form for examining a life issue. This blog post describes three fundamental elements of writing one: the personal, the researched facts and the universal insight, while giving examples.